lördag 17 augusti 2019

Relationship Quotes For Emotional Girls

You ever miss someone so much it puts you in a bad mood.

I miss my man all the time no matter what like i don't care if i saw or talked to him i'll still miss him.

Your food is your girl's food and your girl's food is your girl's food.

Hope this person stays in my life, long term.

I'm such a sucker for deep emotional talks. I wanna know every detail that makes you, you.

I don't care what anyone says, EFFORT is the most attractive thing. Nothing is better that someone who makes it apparent that they want you and only you and that they care all about you.

When my boyfriend call me by my name i go deaf. I'm baby.

I miss my man, i wanna love on him, kiss him, hug him.

I like buying my mans food all the time because then he'll get fat and girls won't look at him.

I hope you stay around, for a long, long time, forever.

Don't teach your boyfriend how to be your boyfriend. Don't ask him to show you off, don't ask him to care about you, don't ask him to bring you flowers. Don't ask him to plan dates and don't beg for love. The right man would do anything and everything for you.

torsdag 2 april 2015

Capricorn Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope.

The delays in your projects and cautiousness in your personal life of late turn out to have been a blessing in disguise this month. This is a suitable time to think about your ambitions, Too much preoccupation with friendships can lead to stagnation your studies.